
“Institute of High Technologies” LLP successfully works to achieve strategic goals identified in its Development Program for 2018-2028 to ensure innovative development of the industry and support high-tech production cycles of the uranium industry in Kazakhstan at a sufficiently high scientific and technological level with the following indicators:

1. New technologies, technical solutions, and equipment have been developed and improved that allow reducing the cost price of natural uranium mining and increase production efficiency. The main technologies and technical solutions are:

  • Automated system for support of well construction and operation, which was tested at the branch of JSC “Volkovgeologiya” and is ready for implementation;
  • Effective methods to prevent various types of colmatation during uranium in-situ leaching and to carry out repair and restoration work. A mobile installation for chemical treatment of the filter part of process wells has been designed and introduced into production.
  • Effective technologies for the processing of product solutions, which have passed the pilot industrial tests, ready for industrial testing and introduction into production:
    - Technology of ultrasonic influence on uranium desorption;
    - Technology of precipitation of small crystals of uranium peroxide using special reagents-precipitators.
  • The technology of electro-chemical regulation of the properties of leaching solutions for the intensification of uranium in-situ leaching processes has been developed. A pilot-industrial flow-through electrolyzer was manufactured. Tests will be conducted in 2020.
  • A technology for extracting uranium using the nanofiltration method has been developed. An enlarged laboratory unit was manufactured and pilot tests were carried out. The technology will be implemented in 2021-2022
  • A software package (simulator version 3.0) has been developed to study the process of extracting a useful component using the in-situ leaching method.
  • The technology of utilization using thermal decomposition of destroyed uranium-containing ionite has been developed.
  • Standard ST NAC 20-2017 “Requirements for ion-exchange resins for enterprises of  “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC has been developed and put into effect by Order of “NAC  “Kazatomprom” JSC No. 108 dated 26.05.2017.

2. Two innovative projects have been implemented:

1) A mobile complex was developed and created to extract uranium from product solutions and designed to operate at sites located in a distance from processing plants andrequiring significant financial costs to launch regular operations.

Currently, the branch of “Stepnoe-RU”“Kazatomprom – SaUran” LLP operates the mobile complex and its operation results have proven efficient. The mobile complex has been patented.

Based on the Institute’s project and with its participation (author's supervision) JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” built and commissioned a mobile complex for pilot production of uranium at the “Zhalpak” field with a capacity of 250 m3 / h.

2)To develop the analytical service of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” the Institute created the Laboratory of research and analysis of materials (LRAM) at its branch “IHT- Zerde” located at Taukent settlement, Suzaksky district, Southern Kazakhstan.
The main purpose of LRAM is analytical support and improvement of technologies for extraction and processing of natural uranium, R & D in the field of geological exploration, extraction and processing of RM, REM and their associated extraction. LRAM passed the accreditation of the testing laboratory in accordance with the national and international standards at LLP “National Accreditation Center”.

3) Development and implementation of an innovative method for determining the mass concentration of total uranium in human urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.

This measurement procedure establishes a mass spectrometric method for determining the mass concentration of total uranium (the sum of the isotopes uranium-235 and uranium-238) of natural or depleted isotopic composition in human urine in the measurement range from 0.3 mcg/dm3 to 50 mcg/dm3.

The measurement procedure is intended for measuring safety indicators when working to ensure the protection of citizens' health. The results of the measurements will be used to assess the professional internal exposure of personnel working with radioactive substances at uranium mining enterprises and hazardous industries.

The area of distribution of MP is within the enterprises of “NAC “Kazatomprom” JSC.

In 2019, the measurement method 572-1910-02-TOO-007-2019 “Determination of the mass concentration of total uranium in human urine by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry” was developed. The specified method was registered in the register of the State Measurement System of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 12, 2019 under the number KZ.06.01.00114-2019 and the Certificate of Metrological Certification No. 90 dated 12.12.2019 was received. The method is an intangible asset of “IHT” LLP. By order of the General Director of “IHT” LLP No. 171 dated 27.12.2019, the specified measurement method was approved and put into effect for use in the structural divisions of “IHT” LLP, in particular in the Laboratory of Research and Analysis of Materials. At the moment, work is being carried out to add the measurement method to the Laboratory’s accreditation.

4) Development and implementation of an innovative method for preparing uranium ores and core materials of the sandstone type for analytical support of R&D of uranium in-situ leaching.

The utility model is related to a method of preparing samples for the study of uranium ores and core materials of sandstone type for determining the elemental composition in solutions using an atomic emission and mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma.

The task of the utility model is to create a method for preparing samples that provides complete decomposition of uranium ores and core materials of sandstone type with the preservation of volatile components in the solution, as well as reducing the time of decomposition of samples.

Laboratory studies were conducted in accordance with the Road Map for the implementation of innovative developments for 2019.

A patent for utility model No. 4046 “Method for preparing samples of uranium ores and core materials of sandstone type for spectrometric analysis” was obtained. At the moment, work is underway to implement the method in the scientific and practical work of the Laboratory of Research and Analysis of Materials.

5) Development and implementation of an innovation method for preparing ion-exchange resins with a polymer matrix based on polystyrene for spectrometric analysis of rare earth elements, rhenium, scandium and vanadium for analytical support of R&D of uranium in-situ leaching.

The utility model is related to a method for preparing samples for the study of ion-exchange resins for determining the elemental composition in solutions using an atomic emission and mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma. The objective of the utility model is to develop a method that allows to completely decompose the polymer matrix of an ion-exchange resin, transfer all elements to a solution and increase the accuracy of determining the elemental composition by atomic emission and mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma.

Laboratory studies were conducted in accordance with the Road Map for the implementation of innovative developments for 2019.

The patent for utility model No. 4277: “Method for preparing samples of ion-exchange resins for spectrometric analysis” was obtained. At the moment, work is underway to implement the method in the scientific and practical work of the Laboratory of Research and Analysis of Materials.

3. At the site of“Uvanas” mine of the branch “Stepnoe-RU”  “Kazatomprom – SaUran” LLP, an experimental-technological range has been created to provide semi-industrial testing of new materials, innovative technologies, devices and equipment with the aim of intensifying technological processes, improving the quality of marketable products, accompanying rare and rare-earth metals, and reducing the production cost at the enterprises of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”.

4. Scientific and technological and innovative development of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” is provided by the Institute through regular activities, such as:
• intellectual property management, organization and development of rationalization and inventive activities at the enterprises of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”;
• provision of scientific and technical information to the scientific and production activities of enterprises of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” within the framework of the development of the computer system “Knowledge Base”;
• development of normative documentation (standards, instructions, methodologies);
• provision of educational services.
In 2017, two educational publications were developed and published:
• “Repair and recovery work on geotechnological wells of enterprises of uranium in- situ leaching”
• “Geotechnology of Uranium”.

5. Educational services are successfully provided by the branch of the Institute – “Kazakhstan Nuclear University”. Along with the implementation of training programs for miners, including: on industrial safety, occupational safety and radiation safety, a computer-based training system “Uranium Sorption on SNK-3M Columns”, a pilot project has been developed to implement innovative educational techniques on the basis of virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR), including the following modules:
• Interactive electronic course on the study of the theoretical foundations of ion exchange processes and uranium sorption in SNK-3M columns.
• 3D simulators using VR and AR technologies for processes on the SNK-3M sorption column by:
- studying the arrangement of the column and uranium sorption technology;
- carrying out the process of resin overloading in manual mode;
- the process of uranium sorption.

6. The share of uranium mining by the mines built according to  the Institute’s projects is 58%. The Engineering and Design Department of the Institute completed the projects of the mines of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom”  with a capacity of 1000 and 2000 tons/year such as: PV-19, Akdala, Zarechnoye, Southern Moinkum, Central Mynkuduk, Southern Inkai, Kharasan-1, Semizbay -U, Budenovskoye.
The production activity of the Department is currently focused on the modernization and reconstruction of existing mining enterprises of JSC “NAC “Kazatomprom” and is carried out in accordance with the licenses and other permits.